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Amy Murphy, PhD

Angelo State University

Dr. Amy Murphy serves as an associate professor of curriculum & instruction at Angelo State University. She is the program coordinator for the Doctor of Education in transformative leadership and also teaches in the M.Ed. in student development and leadership in higher education program. She regularly designs and teaches online courses in educational law, program administration and assessment, college student affairs, academic advising, leadership, and violence prevention. The degree programs are nationally recognized and ranked among the best in the U.S. for quality and affordability.

Amy writes and presents to campus practitioners and educators on behavioral intervention, sexual misconduct, student conduct, threat and violence risk assessment, and other student affairs issues and topics. She co-authored A Staff Guide to Addressing Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior On Campus and Uprooting Sexual Violence in Higher Education. Her research includes the joint development of the ERIS: Extremist Risk Intervention Scale as well as other tools and resources for behavioral intervention teams in schools and universities. She has authored more than 10 different book chapters and several peer-reviewed journal articles on related topics. Amy is a past president of NABITA, the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment, and past managing editor of the Journal of Campus Behavioral Intervention (J-BIT). During her time on the NABITA advisory board, she supported the development of standards for behavioral intervention teams and for case management practices through her research and writing.

Amy has more than 20 years of experience in higher education and student affairs. She is formerly the dean of students and managing director of the Center for Campus Life at Texas Tech University. Her experiences include chair of the school’s behavioral intervention team, oversight of prevention and response activities for gender-based violence and discrimination as the deputy Title IX coordinator for students, as well as administrative involvement in student conduct, disability services, counseling, and enrollment management. Amy provided leadership to a wide array of co-curricular and extracurricular student involvement activities, including a system of more than 450 registered student organizations, including 50 inter/national fraternities and sororities.

Amy’s experiences in postsecondary education include diverse involvement in a number of complex and transformative projects, including a task force for Greek culture and task force for sexual harassment and sexual assault, new academic program proposal and development, strategic enrollment planning, and many special projects dedicated to the creation of innovative, research-based services and programs. Amy received her Ph.D. in higher education administration from Texas Tech University in 2010. She currently lives and works in San Angelo, TX.

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